This is my family.
pseudonyms: Scott, Woods Sileroy, Sparky
pseudonyms: Jeri, mom
pseudonyms: katesadilla, rabbit (ha!), K8
pseudonyms: Abs, Abster, Willow Tree, wildebeest
pseudonyms: Joseph, Jobi-won-kenobi, Gecko Joe, Big Joe
pseudonyms: Poose, Rodent, Auntie Em
And then there was
pseudonyms: rodent pupar, zorba dog, dumb animal

pseudonyms: Scott, Woods Sileroy, Sparky
Our own Indy. What a rugged man.
My father is the best man I know. We used to love/hate it when he dropped us off at school because he would honk the whole way. The whole way. That was fun in high school. He would make it so our family dinners lasted for hours sometimes because we would be laughing too hard to eat. When we were little, he made sure we weren’t pansies by playing duck hunt with us--we were the ducks, bean bags were the ammo. He always let us watch chick flicks and musicals even though he hates them. He is faithful and honest in all that he does and has been a great asset to Heavenly Father and our family because of it. Whenever I have a tough question, he’s always the first one I go to and he can always give me great answers and advice. He taught us gospel principles at an early age (including agency when he would give me the option of being tucked in like a hamburger or a hot dog). He has always provided for my physical and spiritual needs.Mommamia
pseudonyms: Jeri, mom
Isn’t she beautiful?
This is my momma. She’s perfect. She’s the perfect mom for me. She’s kind, loving, nurturing, and selfless. She also happens to be incredibly crafty. Seriously, this woman has got skills. She makes quilts, clothes, yummy food; you name it, she does it. She loves children. She made ridiculous things, like getting dressed, fun for us. Seriously, who wants to put on jammies when you can run around naked?! She’s a wonderful teacher. She’s the best example of what a woman should be. She also was one of the reasons I went on a mission because she went on one as well and we loved hearing about her adventures in Japan. Her knowledge and testimony of the gospel reflects in everything she does. People are drawn to her because of her good nature. I want to be just like her.Kate
pseudonyms: katesadilla, rabbit (ha!), K8
Kate and Ammon
Kate is a great mom. That is a recent development, but it’s true. She’s great at taking care of people, especially Ammon and Sam. She always set an impossibly high standard in everything. She’s smart, kind, and beautiful. She’s a lot like my mom. She was an elementary school teacher for a while before she had Sam, now she’s a full-time mom. She’s great for giving advice and is the best person to have ridiculous dance parties with in the middle of the night when boys are being dumb. She was also a great example of a missionary for me. She went to Taiwan on her mission and served well. Her husband, Ammon is a natural fit with our family. He’s got a perpetual smile on his face and his enthusiasm for things is contagious (well, except for that whole fish thing). He loves animals, especially exotic animals. He’s also really good at wii tennis.Abby
pseudonyms: Abs, Abster, Willow Tree, wildebeest
сестра Whiting
Abby is the life of the party. She makes everything fun. She’s also absolutely ridiculous. She loves to dance and embarrass anybody she can. She’s good at it. She is the queen of movie quotes and can listen to the same song for days on end. She’s not doing any of those things right now though. Right now she’s freezing in Yekaterinburg, Russia on her mission. She can find humor in hard times. She’s generous and is really good at finding ways to serve people. She also attracts really weird people. Seriously, she has had like six stalkers (PS- do NOT google creepy looking guys. I tried to find a funny one to link to her stalkers, but now I’m just scared and scarred). She’s just too nice to them. We used to hate each other. Now she’s one of my best friends.Joe
pseudonyms: Joseph, Jobi-won-kenobi, Gecko Joe, Big Joe
What a stud.
Joe is athletic. That can’t be said for his three older sisters. He plays baseball, football, golf, and soccer. Even though he’s younger than three of his sisters, he takes care of us like an older brother would. He’s tender-hearted and serves old ladies like a boss. He’s got all the girls wrapped around his finger. He’s a master Just Dance-er and is a pretty darn good singer. I’m still trying to convince him to talk to me on the phone, but it just won’t fly. He also knows everything about BYU football. I mean everything.Emma
pseudonyms: Poose, Rodent, Auntie Em
Total babe.
Emma is my version 2.0. Not only do we look most alike, but we also act alike, except she’s slightly funnier. Only slightly. She’s got an attitude that will put any in their place and is witty beyond her years. She’s a master soccer player, having been chosen to play on the state soccer team, and she dominates. She is also my servant. I call her rodent, she calls me master. She’s kind of gullible though. One time I convinced her that I was a Russian spy sent to collect information on American families. She’s got a soft spot for animals, especially puppies and bunnies. I don’t think a Christmas has passed where she hasn’t asked for both.And then there was
pseudonyms: rodent pupar, zorba dog, dumb animal
This is our dog. We got her for Christmas one year, so we named her Mele (Mele Kalikimaka, anyone?). We all love her. Even my dad. I know he loves her because even though he’s threatened to throw her in the pool with a brick around her neck, he hasn’t done so yet. She doesn’t do much, but we like her anyway. She’s kind of naughty and the only one she really listens to is my dad. If she can get out the front door, she’ll run around the block until we can convince her (with cheese) to come back. She’s the single most important member of our family. Ever. Though not important enough to be in this picture.
You forgot yourself. I'll do it for you.
pseudonyms: bucket, Chalmers, Chalupa, Milkacow (got you back!)
Here is your picture since I can't add one to a comment :)
Camille has always been the witty one of the family. She has an acute sense of humor and has a way with words. Camille is also known for having the most beautiful hair that makes all her sisters jealous, and maybe her brother, but I doubt it. Camille's secret talent is her amazing memory. This probably served her well on her mission in Oklahoma where she served with the same companion for over a year. Good thing she's easy to get along with. Camille is great at listening so if you ever need someone to talk to, I'd highly recommend having her over. She'll listen and she won't try to turn the conversation to her advantage. Now that's refreshing!