I have a minor fetish with British bands. Maybe it's because their accents are hot, or they are hot. Probably both. Some Brit bands that I recommend that you listen to because, well, they are just fabulous are:
Favourites (British spelling for a British post, duh): Don't Panic, Crests of Waves, Everything's Not Lost, Lovers In Japan, Paradise, A Message, and Strawberry Swing (greatly enhanced by the music video...The Scientist falls into that category as well).
When I listen to their music, it makes me want to dance. Or punch someone, but in a fun way. Take Me Out was picked up for both Guitar Hero and Just Dance 2. Their other classics are This Fire, The Dark of the Matinée, and Do You Want To.
These guys are straight up weird. Weird. But their music is incredibly soothing and strangely addicting. Creep, Karma Police, House of Cards, and Lotus Flower are a random sampling. They are the more popular songs of theirs, so maybe they won't weird you out as much as others would...
They, uh, don't have a website. Don't judge me for loving them, even after all this time. I can't help it. Really, I can't. How could you resist those faces?! Please return with me to the golden age of boy bands. Back Here, Unpredictable, I'm Not In Love, and a cover of More Than Words.
I'm keen on them. Tom Chaplin's voice is lovely. Seriously, that is the perfect word to describe it. Lovely. Winnie the Pooh recently reminded everyone of the gem Somewhere Only We Know, but there are other precious ones in This Is The Last Time, Everybody's Changing, Bend and Break, and Nothing In My Way.
and then there was
I love these men above all others. Who can't love a man named Fran? Under-appreciated, I tell you. That's what they are. Why Does It Always Rain On Me, Writing to Reach You, Driftwood, Turn, Hit Me Baby One More Time, and my favourite: Selfish Jean.
Honorable Mentions: The Feeling's Sewn, The Libertines' Can't Stand Me Know, Muse with Starlight (they've got a bunch of great ones, but this best tickles my fancy), Damien Rice's The Blower's Daughter, The Verve's Bittersweet Symphony, Oasis' Wonderwall, and of course, PoP's PoP Goes My Heart. Gets me every time.
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