Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Impressive Human Feats

And then I remembered I had a blog. And here's what I did about it:

Most impressive human feats. I obviously don't make the list with my blogging skills. Maybe if I blogged at least once a week, it could be considered an impressive feat, alas I do not, but these people have done some truly amazing, maybe some ridiculous, things.

This guy made a replica of the Mona Lisa out of post-its. Incredible.

I don't know if his perfect circle or his lack of ability to wipe the whole board clean impresses me more.

Seriously impressive. More so considering that I have trouble just going up and down stairs without tripping. Even Santa can do it.

Ignore the typo in the story. I promise it doesn't diminish the monstrosity of this accomplishment.

I know I could never do this. I struggle talking on the phone for longer than ten minutes. How this woman did it for 16 hours, not to mention all the people trying so desperately to interrupt her, is nothing short of amazing. Only one word for her comes to mind: megalomania.

This man can do incredible things with a dirty car. Find out where he lives and park by his house.

Well, he, in and of himself isn't the feat (unless you want to count creating human life, which is most incredible indeed, but just about anybody can do it), his music is the great human feat. He was mostly deaf and he composed this (his most difficult, ignore the guy that looks like a girl), this (his most beautiful), and this (his most famous).

And then there was:

Completely and totally human. No bogus superpowers like some others (cough, cough). In the genius recreation by Christopher Nolan, Batman's incomparably superior because he's real (cough, cough). Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the other superheroes, especially Iron Man because he is real as well (andbecauseitisRobertDowneyJrforpete'ssake), but Batman is, simply put, legit. The Hulk doesn't even deserve a cough. Nobody likes him anyway. That's probably why all his movies sucked. So. Bad.

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