Monday, February 7, 2011

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto

Why I love technology. Yes, I must admit that on occasion I wish myself to have been born in a different era because one thing in particular attracts me to that time (the fashion in America in 1940s and 50s, the musical prestige of Austria in the 1700s, Mr. Knightleys living in every estate in England in the 1800s, and the simplicity of life in Pangaea circa 1,000,000BC) but fortunately, I live in the United States in the 21st century. These are reasons as to why I am so grateful I live when I do.

Cellular Telephones.
Yes, I am grateful for my phone. With it we can call people who live very far away, we instantly send or receive a message from someone far away or in the same room which would cause a smile, we take pictures, we listen to music, we play games, and do a whole lot more. We can even use our phones to get out of extremely awkward situations, like when you see someone you've been trying to avoid, you can simply whip out your phone and pretend like you're on an important call. Make sure that your ringer volume is on silent though, because when your phone actually rings while you are doing that, it can be pretty embarrassing. Not like I'd know or anything.

I can do just about anything, anywhere, if I've got my computer with me. I love it. I am grateful for computers in general, but laptops are especially great because I can take my computer with me where I go. Now, instead of furiously trying to write what my teacher is teaching us about in class, I can leisurely type everything with out getting so frustrated that I couldn't even write down the complete concept before he's moved on to something else.

I am grateful for the Wii because it revolutionized video games. Now players can be up and active while gaming and it's great! I have a particular affinity towards Just Dance (1 and 2). Now you don't have to wait for dances to bust a move, you can publicly humiliate yourself as you are unable to follow a simple dancing avatar, in front of your friends! Love it!

Google Docs.
These have changed the face of study groups forever. Just put the study guide that your professor gave you on a google doc, invite your whole class to access and edit the link, and POOF! You've got all you need to study in one convenient place.

It has every song ever made. Okay, not really, but really, it's amazing. You make your own playlist(s) out of any song you can find. It's basically an iTunes online that has access to every library ever. Pandora does have it's perks, like introducing you to new groups and songs, but Grooveshark doesn't have any ads and there isn't a certain amount of hours you have of listening.

and then there was

Yeah, yeah, I know that this one seems kind of primitive compared to the others, but honestly, I could live without the others, but not without electricity for light. I basically have the worst night vision known to man. I can't see anything in the dark and I freak out every time I have to go down stairs at night. I have all the stairs in the staircases around where I live counted so that I don't have to worry about seeing them. Really, it's that bad. Light literally saves my life. I thrive on it. Oh, Mr. Edison, how I adore thee.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Commercial kids.

I don't know why commercials with kids in them are so dang funny to me, but they are. I can't help it! I think ridiculous things are funny. Yes, I am guilty of loving America's Funniest Home Videos. Okay, you are probably thinking, "Is this all she does? Sit at home and watch youtube and find websites to waste time?" I am actually very accomplished in...other things as well. I just saw one of these today and I had to share it. Anyway, here are my faves.

Mastercard. Usually I am not a huge fan of the "priceless" commercials, but this one is great.

Blue Cross Blue Shield.

And then there was:

Star Wars. I want to have sons for this express purpose.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So, I don't by any means intend for this to be depressing. I know that when you read the title you think, "Ah, how pathetic." Or, maybe you think, "Oh man. Someone finally understands how I feel!" Wrong and wrong. Well, maybe not entirely, but that's another story for another day. My name is Camille and it just so happens that I really like lists. I could even make a list of all the lists I have made in my life; it would be kind of pointless, but I could do it nonetheless. Impressed? Now what kind of list is going to kick us off? Only the very best.

Best Websites for wasting time. (Trust me, if wasting time were a profession, I would be as wealthy the tsar in Russia. Do they still have one? I better look into that...)

5. Lunchtimers
So, I may or may not be madly in love with words. Regardless of my passion, this website is pretty great. Who loved playing with the magnetic letters on the fridge while young? This is basically it. BUT you have to share letters and space with all the other people on the site. You can either help each other make words, or steal letters from other people for your own selfish means. I suggest the latter.

4. The Onion
The most credible source for the news. Okay, maybe not the most credible, but it's my favorite anyway. Who knew Osama felt that way about Twilight?

3. Goodreads
It's an online bookshelf. You put the books you've read, the ones you want to read, and any other ones on there. You can look at them, your friends can look at them, and you can creep on other people's book lists. It's a great place to get good ideas for books to read. P.S. I would totally marry the Beast for his library.

2. Youtube
You know why. This is why, this is why, and this is why.

And then there was:

1. Stumbleupon
Holy cow. I could spend millennia stumbling upon things. Really. I hope I have internet access in the eternities. This website is better if you sign up and customize your preferences, so you can stumble upon things that interest you. Sometimes you just find things that are plain ridiculous like this one, or this one, or my personal favorite. It's like each stumble is a time waster in and of itself. Be careful.

Some honorable mentions:
Dogster Hey, dogs need a facebook, too, right?